Monday, September 28, 2015

Not the Best 9/24/15

We slept so well and were so thankful after looking ahead at the map and my books. Had we not pulled in here, there was not another campground for many miles.

Bob talked to some of our neighbors staying in a camp cabin. There were 7 of of them from the Twin Cities in Minnesota who were here deer hunting. Together they had gotten 13 deer. The deer in this area are small and plentiful. You are allowed 2 deer each, but, it just didn't seem right.

As we packed up, the weather was cloudy and humid. My nose was much happier, but my hair wasn't.

We drove into Norton, which was a beautiful town, bigger than we thought. We thought we were far from civilization the night before. They had a very nice, big library and many lovely, well kept homes.

We drove on though rolling prairie and farmland as we listened to the Pope speak to congress. We stopped in a small dusty town at Sally Ann's Cafe for a big breakfast to carry us through the day. I was a little worried at first as it was old and there were some grubby people in there, but we felt better as people started to talk to us and the owner, Sally Ann was our waitress. We learned about their lives and family and compared grandchildren. It was interesting and cozy and we were ready for a day of travel.

We drove by a sign advertising a park that was the geographic center of the continental 48 states. 

It was only 2 miles out of our way and we decided to make the stop. It was sweet with a little chapel and a picnic area and a beautiful field of sunflowers, the Kansas state flower. 

We were most happy we had taken the time to stop.

Just as we got back on our route, a warning light came on the dash. The sun was bright and it was almost impossible to see the icon, but Bob was quite sure it was the transmission light. As I said before, we are now both gun shy, so we were panicked to push on. When we had turned off the highway to the geographic center park, we had passed through the tiny town of Lebanon. Bob was sure there was a service station there so we turned around and went back. A very nice man came out and knew diesel engines well. He knew where to look, he checked the fluid which was fine and recommended we stay on the road and just watch the temperature and keep going to a town of more size with a dealer. So off we went on the edge of our seats.

We stopped in Marysville at a Ford Dealer who sent us on to Seneca to someone who used to work on Dodge Trucks. Meanwhile, Highway 36 is called the Pony Express Highway and they had a cool statue in town and a museum. 

However, no stops for now. Add to our stress, miles of road work and very slow going and 84 degree heat. Not our best day!

We started to get into bigger hills with lots of trees, creeks and rivers. It looked somewhat like northern Michigan near the cherry orchards. We crossed the border out of Kansas and pulled into the larger town of St. Joseph, Missouri where we found a dealer and an RV Park about 5 miles down the road. The dealer couldn't get us in till 8:00 the next morning so we went down to register at the RV Park. It wasn't where I ever would have picked to stay in Missouri as it was in town and crowded, but it certainly was convenient. 

The internet connection was also bad, so that combined with staying in a state park the night before, was putting me behind in my blog. However, the owners were so nice and helpful. We sat in rocking chairs on the office porch to check email, but the signal still wasn't strong enough to post pictures to the blog.

At the park owners recommendation, we were able to walk right next door to the park to a delicious Chinese dinner. We were very happy with that and had enough leftovers for our dinner tomorrow night.

After dinner, Bob checked the truck again and in the better light, it showed that we were out of windshield washing fluid. He drove up to an auto store and got some fluid and put it in. The warning lights were gone. He decided to leave it for the night and check it again in the morning. He still wanted the dealer to take a look before we pushed on. We're not sure what happened to the transmission light, but the temperature was good and the fluid was good.

Both of us were zapped from the stress and both of us were now very ready to be home. We could have cared less about traffic noise or park noise, we crashed.

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